13833 Leola Dr.
Lake Bluff, IL 60044

Auto Purchase Services

Global Auto Group can assist with any of your Auto Purchase needs. We know how stressful it could be to visit dealerships, or trying to search for the right car at the right price. During the negotiations with the dealer, you will be assured that you are being provided with the best price in order to pressure you to make the deal.


We have Partners around Chicago Land Area, weather you looking for Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Acura, BMW, Mercedes, Audi and many more. We can help you get that best price that you deserve, where you will leave the

dealer without and thoughts other than you knowing that you did get the best price on market and the vehicle you wanted.

We can also assist with the purchase from many auctions in US and you can be ahead of everyone and save big!

Contact us for more info and we will be glad to save you money. We will keep you happy throughout the process and take the stress away on purchasing vehicles that you will enjoy not just by driving it but feeling comfortable with money you spent.